Monday, July 21, 2008

CONTEST day :)

Hi y'all! We are like little kids, I swear! Holding contests...we get so excited! It is so much fun though!

We have a brand new kit coming out...

If you have noticed Pretty Pixels' recently released kits have all been... "Feelin" something! lol Get your mind outta the gutter silly!

Here is out first ever contest! Its official...and oh so easy! You do not need to buy anything, take a pic of anything, scrap anything..Just... GUESS!

Thats right...take a look at the preview above of the new kit which will be released on Friday when this contest is over. Guess the title and its yours!

You are allowed one guess per day. The first person to guess it wins, if noone guesses it, we will randomly pick one poster. Make sure you leave your contact email addy in the response...nope noone else will see it!

Good luck...and tell allllll your friends!!!
So ... comment away! Guess, guess, guess! :)

-Pretty Pixels CT


Ellie said...

Feelin' Rad ???? That's my guess :)

Gabriele said...


Carey said...


Christie said...

"Feelin' like a skater" Great kit!!!

Web Designz by Kristi said...

Feelin the half pipe

Lori Johnston said...

My guess is feelin....


kit looks really great!

MrsRomer said...

Okay, first thing that popped into my head was feelin' Sporty

Duckie said...

feelin' board ?

Debbie said...

Feelin' It ???

Jess said...

How about "free?"

The Duchess said...

This is an awesome contest! I'm having fun seeing the guesses! teehee!

The Duchess said...

You've Been TAGGED! :P See my blog for more info!

Stephanie said...

feeling blue... lol

Christie said...

I saw over at DST that the correct name has still not been guessed. How about Feelin' Skater-iffic-corny I know, lol.

Fantacy so Sweet-n-Stuff... said...

Feelin' Skate? (i know cheesey by rhymed with great lol)

Shayna said...

Feeling Bored???????

Shayna said...

Feelin' Wild???????

Feelin' Free??????

Shayna said...

oops....I forgot to leave my e-mail addy

MrsRomer said...

ooops, I was a bad girl the other day, I made more than one guess. Shame on me! Feelin' Cool is my guess today

Anonymous said...

hehe Shame on you lol! NOPE still not it, keep guessing ladies... Im really thinking I should have gone with Feelin' Board now though... how cute is that?!

kaffp said...

I can't think of anything that hasn't already been suggested but my 6 year old thought that Feelin' Good would be a good name.

Anonymous said...

awww actually that would be good!

here is a clue lol think... masculine, attitude, teenage boys

blah said...

Okay, I'll guess some more:
Feelin' Awesome/Cool/Daring/Wild? Am I close? LOL This is fun. :)

Anonymous said...

hmmm...daring or wild is a little warmer lol

Stephanie said...

Feeling Like a Wild Man... LOL

Anonymous said...

ooh oooh warmer lol

MrsRomer said...

Feelin' It!

MrsRomer said...

she is a clue lol think... masculine, attitude, teenage boys...(I say this with love as I have a 15 yr old boy)....feelin' stupid! lol That wasn't really a guess, just a joke :)

Anonymous said...

lmao that would have worked too hun!!! lolololol

{C} said...


I don't's a skater term, so it seemed fitting...

Stephanie said...

feelin' like a daring boy?
feelin' like a wild boy?
feelin' like a daring man?

I know I'm not supposed to make more then one guess, but I just wanna know!!! I'm nosy!!!

Anonymous said...

lmao you guys are funny!!!

Feelin' - - - - -

Shayna said...

Feelin' Macho???????

Shayna said...

hmmmmmmmmmm....teenage boys?????

Feelin' Immortal ?????
Feelin' Like Hot Stuff ????????
Feelin' Like G-d's Greatest Gift ?????? LOL

Anonymous said...

nope, nope, and NOPE! lol

Feelin' _ _ O _ _

Shayna said...

This is going to drive me crazy....LOL

Feelin' Alone???
Feelin' Grown??????
Feelin' Broke???
Feelin' Proud????

I'm trying to think of words to describe how my teenage grandsons might feel :)

Anonymous said...

oooooh close Shayna!!! One more clue before I go to bed! lol

Feelin' -OU--

especially since the first was wrong lol good grief...i cant type for nuttin!

Good Luck!

Shayna said...

I hope someone guesses this soon....because I can't take the suspense...rofl

Feelin' Amore?????

Shayna said...

Feelin' Lousy???????

I think you know my e-mail addy by now ....roflmbo

Anonymous said...

feelin young???

cool kit thanks for the chance to win

Anonymous said...

I would have guessed Feelin' Young, but I suppose I am too late!

Stephanie said...

feeling tough!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness.... finally!!!!!!! lol Grats Steph!!!!!