Saturday, July 26, 2008

Musings of a bored designer

Hey y'all. Just thought I take this nice quite Saturday moment to show off a few of my CT members recent layouts. It amazes me how these girls never seem to have a broken mojo know what I mean?!

I am sure you have been there, goodness know I have! It took me forever to finish the Feelin' Fresh kit because I just kept looking at PS and thinking... "Ehh...I think I'll play a game instead." lol Actually I think I read three books as well while I was procrasting.

Also Maria...bless her wittle heart tagged me! lol. So I am gonna post that too...but first...some great CT work. Thank you so much ladies! I have the best team. I am so thankful for them and their help...and every one of them go above and beyond! Thank you so much ladies!

Shannon made this LO for a challenge that she is hosting over at DC.


Kat made this beauty of her little beauty!


Ruby made this one using The Heart of the Moment.


Also if you have not participated there is a few more days left in the template challenges I am hosting at Digital Candy. So inspiring to see one template used so many ways!

Ok, So yep Maria, the genius behind Duchess Designs tagged me! So here is how it works!

These are the rules:
1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

So Here are my Random Facts:
1. I am totally and utterly addicted to Diet Coke!
2. I am a high school dropout... but a college grad! hehe
3. Flattery will get you everywhere!
4. I love to read and am currently reading "City of Bones" (Vamps are SO hawt!)
5. I could not survive w/o music... right now I'm listening to One Republic's CD
6. I love love love a British accent :P
7. I am extremely shy

And now I'll pick the 7 that I'm tagging (hehe have fun ladies!):

1. JenLin of JenLin Designs!

2. Shannon a.k.a doomfaeryshannon from my CT

3. Brooke my good friend and Ct member/leader/html goddess!

4. Mrs.Romer a fan, fellow scrapper and mommy, and my future Guest CTer!

5. AmandaDawnRN another fellow scrapper, mommy, and future guest! Yay!

6. Ruby qp maker extraordinaire! Fab scrapper and sweet lil lady!

7. Kat another great CT member!


Debbie said...

Love the inspiration from your CT! And I am coming back to check out those blogs you mentioned!

@}-- ruby --{@ said...

thanks for tagging me dear!!!